Hardy Palms in Raleigh, NC
Gary Hollar
Sabal Minor and Trachycarpus Fortunei at the Parks Department
Needle Palms in Jaycee Park
Left to right: Sabal 'Birmingham',  Windmill palm, Needle palm  and another Sabal 'Birmingham" on the end in Jaycee Park
Needle Palm in Jaycee Park
Two Needle Palms in Jaycee Park
Needle Palm in Pullen Park.
Two Windmill Palms at Pullen Park
Naturalizing Windmill Palms at Pullen Park
The tallest Windmill Palm in Pullen Park. Almost 30 feet tall.
Sabal 'Birmingham' in Jaycee Park.
A monument to The Andy Griffith Show recently placed in Pullen Park.